1. About Us
  2. Academy Committee

We, the Academy Committee of Bessacarr Primary, believe that all members of our school community should be able to learn and achieve their full potential in a safe, secure and orderly environment.


We value the strong relationships that exist throughout the school, which leads to the mutual respect that encourages good behaviour. We have high expectations of everyone and we will actively promote equality of value whether race, gender, age, sexuality, religion or disability. The behaviour policy is based on our belief in, and respect for, the value and contribution of all members of our community and their right to succeed. We seek to eliminate all forms of discrimination, harassment and bullying.

The policy will be applied with consistency and fairness, with regard to each individual situation. The emphasis will be on encouraging positive behaviour through high expectations; a focus on learning; and praise and rewards. It is recognised however, that on occasions sanctions are necessary to demonstrate that misbehaviour is not acceptable; to express the disapproval of the school community and to deter other pupils from similar behaviour. Sanctions will enable the pupil to reflect on, and learn from, their behaviour and to make reparation wherever possible. Because of our focus on positive behaviours and the opportunities for pupils to learn from their mistakes, we expect lower than the national average rates of exclusion.

Some pupils, for example those with special educational needs, physical or mental health needs, and looked after pupils can experience particular difficulties with behaviour and the school will seek to ensure that such pupils receive behavioural support according to their need. However, when making decisions the school must balance the needs of the individual with those of the school community and where pupil behaviour places others at risk, the safety of the pupils and staff as a whole is paramount.

Given the importance of the safety of the pupil body, the Governing body support the right of the school to permanently exclude for a single offence where it is considered that allowing the pupil to remain in school would seriously harm the education or welfare of the pupil or others in the school. Similarly, given the overriding need to keep children safe, the school will utilise their powers to search and to use reasonable force in order to keep individuals from harming, or further harming, themselves or others.

We work with parents and carers to understand their children and their circumstances and believe this relationship is an important part in building a strong learning community. Similarly, given our duty of care to the pupils, this written statement and the policies that both stem from it and are influenced by it (for example, appropriate contact, behaviour, anti-bullying and exclusions) applies to all pupils when in school, when travelling to and from school, and when engaged in extra-curricular activities such as educational trips and visits (residential and non-residential) and when being educated as a member of Bessacarr and Southfield off-site.



Academy Committee Members

Chair: Carl Williams 


Bessacarr Primary

Ellers Avenue




Carl Wragg - Vice Chair 

Anne-Marie Patterson (Head Teacher)

Kirsty Briddick (Deputy Head Teacher)

John Deans - Responsible for SEN, Pupil Premium, EAL, 

Mark Harewood - Responsible for English

Lyndsey Williams 

Dimitri Zimozdra - Link Trustee 




Information regarding Empowering Minds Members and Trustees can be found by following the link to our Trust website - https://www.empoweringmindsmat.uk/statutory-information/governance

 Information regarding the Annual Financial Report can be found by following the link to our Trust Website - https://www.empoweringmindsmat.uk/statutory-information/finance-documents