1. About Us
  2. Welcome

Our Mission Statement

We want you to love your learning and be interested in what you do at school and beyond. We want you to learn to be creative and independent and to be resilient in everything you do – even if you fail!

In our schools, we have very high expectations of you all. We all want you to be able to do and achieve your very, very best. We want everyone to be included, respected and safe.

We really value technology and we want you to grow up ready for a world full of technology – some of which hasn’t been invented yet – but we want you to know how to be ready!

Our world is very diverse and we want you to love being part of this world. You could live or work anywhere in the world and communicate with anyone!

We want you, your family, your friends and our communities to all work and learn together to become the best that we can all be.


Our Aims

At Bessacarr Primary, we aim

  • To provide a friendly, welcoming and lively environment where learners feel happy, safe and secure. A place where good behaviour is expected, where rules and expectations are clear and where there is a calm and purposeful atmosphere in which to learn.
  • To be an inclusive school, ensuring equality of opportunity and consistency of approach, so that each individual is valued.
  • To celebrate children’s skills, talents and interests, giving them confidence in their own abilities, positive attitudes, inquisitive minds and a thirst for knowledge.
  • To provide well for learners’ physical development and their social, moral, spiritual and cultural needs.
  • To develop a rich, broad and balanced curriculum, ensuring children have skills for life by making cross-curricular links, promoting creativity and providing first hand experiences to stimulate learning.
  • To provide quality teaching and learning based on the needs of the children, where each individual is given the opportunity to shine.
  • To work in partnership with parents and the wider community, establishing effective links and giving support.
  • To strive for high standards and improvement in all aspects of our learning.
  • To make this school a place of enjoyment, where there is a buzz of excitement and where success is celebrated.


 Our Vision 



Our Values