Bessacarr Primary School News

    The latest news stories from Bessacarr Primary School.


    News Stories

    • Danceathon Fundraiser
      Pupils across the whole school danced their socks off to help raise funds for an Eco-Area in school.
    • Family Book Quiz
      To celebrate World Book Week, Mrs Varley and Mrs Mynett held a fun family quiz based around our favourite childrens books.
    • World Book Week
      We celebrated World Book Week this week!
    • Rock Steady Concert
      Children across school showed off the skills they have learnt during their Rocky Steady lessons this term.
    • KS2 Christmas Enterprise Fair
      Today, KS2 held a Christmas Fair to sell their enterprise projects.
    • A Miracle in Town!
      KS1 performed their Christmas Nativity, 'A Miracle in Town' to parents this week.
    • Melanie Bellis visits Art Club
      Art club were lucky to have artist, Melanie Bellis working with them today
    • Odd Socks for Anti-Bullying
      Today the whole school kicked off Anti-Bullying week by wearing odd socks to school! During the week, the children will be learning about what bullying is, why it is wrong and what we should do if we see bullying happening.
    • Reading Ambassadors Announced!
      This week, we appointed 12 new, fantastic reading ambassadors to help us out with all things reading around school. Here they are - ready and raring to go!